HD Production Services & Consulting

NYC metro area to the far corners of the globe.

Top quality ENG & EFP production services.

Providing full turnkey production from concept to final product or any part there-in. Additionally we do production & studio consulting to determine what works best for a clients specific production needs.

TV Magazine, Entertainment, Documentary, News, Series production, Sports, Commercial, Corporate Image, and everything in-between.

**The list of potential HD formats is endless in the digital era, we can cover them all to suite your productions requirements***


Most available NTSC or PAL.

Panasonic P2HD full size HPX-2000

Sony XDHD PDW-800

Sony XDHD SxS EX-3

Large Sensor PMW-F3 & FS100

Canon DSLR - 5D Mii & 3TI

GoPro POV’s

NanoFlash recorder - for acquisition or back-up

Tape formats also available

Panasonic HDX-900 or Sony HDW-900

Standard Def  - still available multiple formats

Kessler Cine Slider & 7’ Porta-Jib available

Spectacular lighting PKGs:

-including LED’s, Kino’s, HMI’s, full compliment of tungsten fixtures with  Arri’s, LTM Peppers, & Chimeras. 

Production Audio PKGs:

-Sound Devices 4 ch mixer W/ Lectro digital wireless systems.

All of our gear is easily packed in

flight cases. We have traveled to the far reaches of the globe including South America, Asia, Middle East, and even Jersey. French, Spanish, etc... bi-lingual 2 man crew available.

E-mail: digimarkmedia@mac.com

or call: 1 917-806-0764

For Sat uplink services:




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High Quality HD & SD
Production Services

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are constantly creating new content